Bank of Scotland Insurance
Direct Debit information
If you would like to pay by Direct Debit, we can accept Direct Debit details for any bank or building society, provided that the account you specify is one that allows Direct Debits to be set up, you don’t need to bank with us to pay in this way.
Direct Debits can now be set up online or over the phone in addition to the original postal method.
All the normal Direct Debit safeguards and guarantees apply. No changes in the amount, date or frequency to be debited can be made without notifying you at least ten working days in advance of your account being debited. In the event of any error, you’re entitled to an immediate refund from your bank or building society. You have the right to cancel a Direct Debit instruction at any time simply by writing to your bank or building society.
In order to set up your Direct Debit instruction on-line you will need to provide your bank or building society information through the setting up procedure (your cheque book contains all the bank details that you require):
- account name.
- account number.
- sort code.
If you are not the account holder, press the 'Proceed by Post' button to buy. A paper direct debit instruction will be sent for completion.
If this isn't a personal account, continue with the set-up procedure and press the 'Proceed On-Line' button to buy.
Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit instructions for certain types of account.
The details of your direct debit instruction will be sent to you within three working days confirming your banking details, the amount to be debited and a summary of the details on which your quote is based. You’ll also receive confirmation of the first payment collection date from the insurer no less than five working days in advance of your account being debited together with details of future collection dates and your policy document.