Helping communities prosper


How our colleagues are helping

Our colleagues go above and beyond to give more support to Scotland’s charities and communities, sharing their skills and volunteering time as mentors and trustees.

It’s a great way for colleagues to support local charities that are important to them. Colleagues are able to claim up to £1,000 a year in matched giving for their fundraising and volunteering efforts and last year colleagues claimed over £327,000.

We’re proud of the work our colleagues do and how they give back to their local communities. The case studies below showcase how they’re using their skills and resources to support local charities and organisations, helping to improve education, enterprise and sustainability.

Watch our colleague videos

We’re working with Crisis to help end homelessness

Against the backdrop of the rising cost of living, things are only getting tougher for many. Everyone has a part to play in helping to prevent homelessness.

Together with Crisis, we are working towards ending homelessness through a programme of activity including fundraising and volunteering.

Donate to Crisis

The Bank of Scotland Foundation

Since November 2010, Bank of Scotland Foundation has provided over £32m to almost 2,500 charities making positive change across Scotland, enabling over 1.2million people to benefit from a variety of much needed local services and personal support.

Visit our Charitable Foundation page to find out more.


Empowering young people with financial skills

Having a positive relationship with money is important throughout life, and is something you can establish from your child’s early years.

Visit our accredited resources here to find topics targeted at different ages and help those who need it most.


Volunteering - making a difference together

Our colleagues spend thousands of hours each year volunteering to help communities prosper. Using their skills and resources to support local charities and organisations, our colleagues are helping to improve education, employability, enterprise and sustainability.