Fixed term maturity instructions

If your fixed term account is about to mature, you can provide your maturity instructions online, by phone or in one of our branches with a counter. We will send you a maturity pack before your maturity date containing all the information you will need about the options available to you.

  • The rates below are guaranteed up to your maturity date if there are 25 days or less until your Fixed Rate account matures. You will need to provide your instructions to reinvest your existing balance before the maturity date.
  • If you would like to add some more money you can - we can't guarantee the same rate for any additional deposits but if the same rate doesn't apply we will let you know.
  • Once your request is complete we will send you a Certificate of Investment confirming the term and interest rate on your new account.
  • If your account matures on a Friday, weekend or bank holiday, you won't see your requested changes in Internet Banking until the next working day
  • If your maturing account is an ISA, you will need to provide us with your ISA maturity instructions.

If you lose your maturity pack, you can still provide your instructions online. You can also call us or make an appointment to visit us in a branch with a counter. You will need to bring proof of identity.


Provide your maturity instructions

Log into Internet Banking for a choice about what to do when your funds mature. You have the option to reinvest your balance and any interest it has earned, add or withdraw funds, or you can close your account. You can only do this if there are 25 days or less until your account matures.

Provide your instructions

If you don’t already use Internet Banking you can register, then provide your instructions straight away if your account matures in the next 25 days.


If your account has already matured

If your account has already matured and you have not yet reinvested your funds, you can open a new fixed term savings account and transfer your matured funds to it, or alternatively you can renew it into one of our easy access savings accounts.


What you can reinvest into

Table of information on fixed rate

Account Name

Benefits & features

Interest rate (AER)

Account Name

Fixed Rate Bond


  • Internet
  • Phone
  • Branch

Account conditions (PDF, 249KB)

Benefits & features

  • Fixed rate of interest so you know exactly how much you will earn
  • Interest is paid into your account (as long as you opened it on or after 1st December 2015), or you can ask us to pay it to a different account with us or another bank or building society. We will pay your interest gross, which means that we will not deduct tax automatically from your interest. You are responsible for paying any tax due to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

Bear in mind

  • Minimum opening balance of £2,000
  • There are no cancellation rights attached to this account.
  • No withdrawals. Withdrawals aren’t permitted, but early closure is. Keep in mind that if you close the account early, you’ll lose 90 days’ gross interest on a 1 year term and 180 days’ gross interest on a 2 year term, so you might get back less than you originally deposited.
  • At the end of the term the account changes to an Instant Access Savings Account with a variable interest rate. Before this happens, we'll contact you to explain your options and next steps.

Interest rate (AER)

AER/gross fixed for a 1 year term.

AER/gross fixed for a 2 year term.


An extra 0.10% AER/gross for the 1 year term or 0.05% AER/gross for the 2 year term will be added if you already hold a Bank of Scotland Personal Current Account that has been open for a minimum of 40 days.

For a definition of AER, gross and other terms, view our savings glossary.